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Career Consulting


Why do you need career counselling? It’s simple! You are at the crossroads of your career and you’re terrified. You don’t know what to do and thus, you seek professional help. Therefore, there is a lot of significance attached to the whole process of career counselling. The moment you decide to seek a counsellor’s services, you pass on the responsibility of success or failure of your professional journey to your counsellor’s shoulders. It is, therefore, vital that you choose your career counsellor very carefully. Your counsellor must be the one with a lot of potential and professional experience. Even more, he must be empathetic to understand the needs of his clients.

Top 10 techniques for Career Counselling

Pre-Counselling -Pre-counselling is conducive to get a basic understanding of your candidate. It helps in getting a clear idea of the concerns of the candidate. For instance, consider an example when a doctor is approached by a patient. Instead of straightaway beginning treatment, he talks with the patient as to what ails him.

Rapport Building -For communication to flow freely and clearly during counselling, it is essential to remove any potential blockages. You establish a rapport when you show empathy, create mutual trust and affinity with that person. The better the understanding, the more comfortable and effective the counselling will be for both the counsellor and the candidate. Creating a bond with them will establish trust and help them to open up to you. This will make the task of guiding them much easier. Establishing a strong healthy alliance can be invaluable in influencing candidates.

Career Assessment -It is a way of learning about how variation in personal attributes can impact success and satisfaction with different career options. Different types of assessments focus on specific areas including interests, emotional quotient, aptitude, personality traits, and knowledge. The career assessment is done based on the analysis of these areas.

360° Profile Analysis -Getting into a career you are skilled in but dislike provides little to no benefit in the long-term. To resolve this, it is essential to find a career in line with life purposes and values. And to achieve this, career counsellors must take a holistic approach in providing the right guidance. It means regarding each candidate as a whole instead of just a few specific areas. This approach focuses on the candidate’s thoughts, culture, beliefs, and frame of mind together with his or her skills, personality, and knowledge among other assessment factors. Combining these details along with the inputs from the pre-counselling, assessments, and discussion with the decision-makers will help in setting up suitable career goals.

Setting Career Goals -The whole point of career counselling in itself is to set the optimal career goal. Setting specific goals is imperative to achieving them. By setting career goals, you are determining a roadmap for the career to move forward and devising strategies on how to reach there. Breaking the goal-setting into short-term, mid-term and long-term can aid in creating a well laid out ultimate plan.

Develop an Action Plan -An action plan can be considered a tool to allow counsellors to develop a course of action for the candidate. This involves creating a well-defined checklist consisting of actions and steps to aid them in meeting the laid-out goals and objectives. It will include the entire steps necessary to implement the short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals.

Using Technology Platforms -Living in a digitalized world it is extremely exhausting to recall being efficient without various digital technology at our disposal. Without technology platforms, the process of counselling in its entirety becomes tedious and delayed. The technology interface offers end-to-end solutions, from psychometric tests to highlighting course options to educational guidance to delivering assessments and analysis reports. This helps counsellors to pick the reports at ease and work on them.

An efficient career counsellor should consistently be aware of how various factors affect and shape job opportunities and different careers. A job market can grow or shrink depending on the demand and supply for labor. Understanding these variations will help in providing the right guidance and career options to the students based on an informed decision

Updated Knowledge of Career Options -In this fast-paced world, we can find a constant increase and rapidly evolving career possibilities. An extensive range of professions and career opportunities are springing up all around. Many of the students and their parents are unaware of the diverse career options available and usually end up choosing any conventional career path. Having the right information about upcoming and growing careers will help a counsellor to provide apt options to the candidate. Your resources need to be constantly updated to expand your practice. In doing so, you can be ready for different kinds of clients with varying needs and issues.

Post Counselling Support -The best career counsellors are dedicated to conducting a thorough follow-up post counselling session. They check up on the performances of their candidates at periodic levels. This will ensure that the candidate is following recommendations and working towards achieving the goals.

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